Eastern Inspiration used to be the name of a solo exhibition by painter Trieu Khac Tien. "Hidden dragon" is also a subject that’s deeply embedded in Eastern culture. Dragons are mythical creatures found in both Eastern and Western cultures, nonetheless, the adjective "hidden" refers to the undisclosed, and mysterious characteristics of Eastern culture. At a glance, one can spot the abstract nature of this painting, however, upon close inspection, it’s clear that “Hidden Dragon” does not have a clear conventional composition. Rather, it’s a collection of numerous short strokes, and arrays of color. The image of dragons is evoked through red eyes, whiskers, and crests of red fire. The painting was composed of three main colors: blue, red, and yellow on Rhus Succedanea's black background, which is also a traditional color in Eastern culture and lacquer art.

"Hidden Dragon" - Trieu Khac Tien
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